欧皇娱乐In the standard Golden Age model, the industry's top product, the A films, premiered at a small number of select first-run houses in major cities. Double features were not the rule at these prestigious venues. As described by Edward Jay Epstein, "During these first runs, films got their reviews, garnered publicity, and generated the word of mouth that served as the principal form of advertising." Then it was off to the subsequent-run market where the double feature prevailed. At the larger local venues controlled by the majors, movies might turn over on a weekly basis. At the thousands of smaller, independent theaters, programs often changed two or three times a week. To meet the constant demand for new B product, the low end of Poverty Row turned out a stream of micro-budget movies rarely much more than sixty minutes long; these were known as "quickies" for their tight production schedules—as short as four days.
沃茲在迪安扎社區學院只讀了一年,大二暑假就休學到坦勒特(Tenet)電腦公司擔任程式設計師。1970年夏天,公司主管幫沃茲弄來大約20顆電腦晶片,協助他將紙上電腦美夢成真。沃茲在鄰居家車庫裡將晶片拼湊組裝起來,兩人一邊工作一邊啜飲奶油蘇打汽水,組裝完成後將這台電腦命名為「奶油蘇打電腦」(Cream Soda Computer)。