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宝博娱乐Using his platform as an MP, Cremer cultivated allies on both continental Europe and across the Atlantic, including Frédéric Passy, William Jennings Bryan and Andrew Carnegie. Using his network of contacts and his talent for organisation, Cremer did much to create and expand institutions for international arbitration, which during his lifetime were successful in peacefully resolving numerous international disputes. This work includes co-founding the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the International Arbitration League; gaining acceptance for the 1897 Olney–Pauncefote Treaty between the United States and Britain that would have required arbitration of major disputes as the Essequibo territory (the treaty was rejected by the US Senate and never went into effect); and preparing the ground for the Hague peace conferences of 1899 and 1907.

其它稱呼尚有MOTSS(Member of the Same Sex),該縮語來自1970年代美國的人口調查表格,80年代用於Usenet作為同志新聞群組的名稱,90年代成為台灣和中國大陆同志社群BBS看板名和論壇名。由於社會偏見,產生了對同性戀者的貶稱,例如faggot、dyke、queer,兔子、基佬等,都被用來或曾被用來貶損同性戀者。這些貶稱,有些可能被重新挪用,而成為具有正面意義的稱呼,例如queer本是英文單詞的怪異之意,但反而被英美同性戀者重新挪用,最終成為學術研究和電視節目用語,例如酷兒理論(Queer Theory)、同志亦凡人(Queer as Folk)、酷男的異想世界(Queer Eye for the Straight Guy)。但由於仍帶貶損意味或有激進顛覆的政治性格等原因,不是所有同志都接受這稱呼。

欧分没有官方推荐的符号,其金额一般用欧元的小数表示(如通常使用 €0.05 而不是 5¢ 或 5c)。小写字母 '''c''' 通常也被使用,来自于荷兰盾的次级货币单位''分''(''cent'')。在爱尔兰通常可见小写 c 表示(如邮票上),不过商店中有时使用分币符 ¢。希腊则广泛用其原货币单位 ''Lepton''(''Λεπτά'') 的缩写——大写字母 ''lambda''(''Λ'') 表示,而且这一单位还被用在希腊发行的欧元硬币自行设计面上。德国通常使用“cent”的缩写“ct”。芬兰一般使用小数形式,如 -.82 €,不过有时也可以看到芬兰语“sentti”的缩写“snt”,如 50 snt 。