杏鑫娱乐Using his platform as an MP, Cremer cultivated allies on both continental Europe and across the Atlantic, including Frédéric Passy, William Jennings Bryan and Andrew Carnegie. Using his network of contacts and his talent for organisation, Cremer did much to create and expand institutions for international arbitration, which during his lifetime were successful in peacefully resolving numerous international disputes. This work includes co-founding the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the International Arbitration League; gaining acceptance for the 1897 Olney–Pauncefote Treaty between the United States and Britain that would have required arbitration of major disputes as the Essequibo territory (the treaty was rejected by the US Senate and never went into effect); and preparing the ground for the Hague peace conferences of 1899 and 1907.
光学上的新发展从两个方面对于开启文艺复兴时代起到一定的作用,一是挑战了被长期信奉的形而上学观念,另一方面是贡献了诸如暗箱和望远镜等技术上的改良和发展。在如今所称的文艺复兴开始以前,罗吉尔·培根、威特羅和 以一个始于感觉和知觉,最后达于对亚里士多德所说的殊相与共相之的因果链为基础,各自建构起一种经院式本体论。文艺复兴时期的艺术家们一种后来称为透视主义的视觉模型。这种理论只用到亚里士多德四因中的三个:形式因、质料因和目的因。