利澳娱乐大英百科全书:“尽管伊德里斯一世同情什叶派,这个由其子创建的国度在宗教学说上仍然属于逊尼派。”主要的文献材料和一些当代学者也认为伊德里斯王朝属逊尼派,但也有当代研究认为其属于什叶派或宰德什叶派,很有可能是出于政治派系归属因素, ''The Historical Dictionary of Islam'', page 145, "Idrisid Dynasty (788-985). First Shi'ite dynasty in Islamic history, founded by Idris ibn Abdullah....".C.E. Bosworth''The New Islamic Dynasties'', page 25, "The Idrisids were the first dynasty who attempted to introduce the doctrines of Shi'ism, albeit in a very attenuated form, into the Maghrib...". and Bernard Lewis, ''Introduction to Islamic theology and law'', Princeton University Press (1981), p. 218 Mara A. Leichtman , ''Shi'i Cosmopolitanisms in Africa: Lebanese Migration and Religious Conversion in Senegal'', page 216;"''Senegalese Shi'a also refer to the spread of Shi'i Islam to Senegal through the Idrisid dynasty and evidence of Shi'i roots in Morocco through 'Alaouis (Hydarah 2008:132-135). Cornell writes that Moulay Idris and his successors, descendants of the Prophet's grandson Hasan, brought with them to Morocco from the Arabian Peninsula "a form of archaic Shi'ism that was similar in many respects to Zaydism" (1998:200).''"。有批评认为这一主张混淆了什叶派信仰和阿里王族政治运动的区别,因为当时还不存在同逊尼派分立的成熟的什叶派信仰。伊德里斯王朝在当时和阿拔斯王朝敌对。