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- 大 小:771 MB
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- 开发者:云途未来软件科技有限公司
- 下载量:1373次
- 发 布:2024-11-15 11:21:50
看《红楼梦》,觉得贾府上是言论颇不自由的地方。焦大以奴才的身分,仗着酒醉,从主子骂起,直到别的一切奴才,说只有两个石狮子干净。结果怎样呢?结果是主子深恶,奴才痛嫉,给他塞了一嘴马粪。其实是,焦大的骂,并非要打倒贾府,倒是要贾府好,不过说主奴如此,贾府就要弄不下去罢了。然而得到的报酬是马粪。所以这焦大,实在是贾府的屈原,假使他能做文章,我想,恐怕也会有一篇《离骚》之类。 ——《伪自由书》
Multi-sited ethnography may also follow ethnic groups in diaspora, stories or rumours that appear in multiple locations and in multiple time periods, metaphors that appear in multiple ethnographic locations, or the biographies of individual people or groups as they move through space and time. It may also follow conflicts that transcend boundaries. An example of multi-sited ethnography is Nancy Scheper-Hughes' work on the international black market for the trade of human organs. In this research, she follows organs as they are transferred through various legal and illegal networks of capitalism, as well as the rumours and urban legends that circulate in impoverished communities about child kidnapping and organ theft.