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  • 发   布:2024-11-15 13:10:57




雖然贏了歐冠盃,但踏入70年代,皇馬已無法顯出歐洲班霸本色,1969-70年球季只得聯賽第四名,為歐冠盃辦以來首次沒有皇馬份兒,最為慶幸的只是1971年首次殺入歐洲盃賽冠軍盃決賽,決賽階段與英格蘭球會-{zh-hans:切尔西; zh-hk:車路士}-一比一打成平手,但重賽卻以一比二落敗。雖然同年效力長達18年的隊長真圖宣佈退休,但皇馬在之後九年內能六次登上聯賽寶座。1977年當球會正值慶祝75週年之時,卻在聯賽意外地以第9名完成賽事,導致球會首次無法參加歐洲賽事。翌年被譽為「皇馬之父」,擔任球會會長35年的-{zh-hans:伯纳乌; zh-hk:班拿貝;}-於6月2日與世長辭,終年83歲。

Ethnography dominates socio-cultural anthropology. Nevertheless, many contemporary socio-cultural anthropologists have rejected earlier models of ethnography as treating local cultures as bounded and isolated. These anthropologists continue to concern themselves with the distinct ways people in different locales experience and understand their lives, but they often argue that one cannot understand these particular ways of life solely from a local perspective; they instead combine a focus on the local with an effort to grasp larger political, economic, and cultural frameworks that impact local lived realities. Notable proponents of this approach include Arjun Appadurai, James Clifford, George Marcus, Sidney Mintz, Michael Taussig, Eric Wolf and Ronald Daus.