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  • 开发者:智达网络软件科技有限公司
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  • 发   布:2025-02-22 16:04:17



四方娱乐如今的紐約市仍保留一些源自荷蘭的地名,最著名的是法拉盛、哈萊姆和布魯克林。然而,建築物從 17 世紀遺留下來並不多。紐約現存最古老的房屋是布魯克林的 Pieter Claesen Wyckoff House,建於 1652 年。


Sociocultural anthropologists have increasingly turned their investigative eye on to "Western" culture. For example, Philippe Bourgois won the Margaret Mead Award in 1997 for ''In Search of Respect'', a study of the entrepreneurs in a Harlem crack-den. Also growing more popular are ethnographies of professional communities, such as laboratory researchers, Wall Street investors, law firms, or information technology (IT) computer employees.