杏鑫娱乐2016 年 8 月 29 日(1997 年 8 月 29 日,也就是天网在电影中获得自我意识的日期),宣布这部电影将进行 3D 数字重制以纪念其 25 周年,并计划在全球重新发行 2017 年夏季。要重新制作和重新发行的 3D 版本是最初的 137 分钟戏剧剪辑版,因为加长版不是詹姆斯卡梅隆的首选版本。 开场追逐序列中的多个摄像机镜头经过数字化修改,以修复自 1991 年发布以来一直困扰卡梅隆的一个小连续性错误。 DMG Entertainment and StudioCanal worked together with Cameron to convert the film using the StereoD technology. The 3D version premiered on February 17, 2017, at the Berlin International Film Festival, with the theatrical re-release being scheduled for August 25, 2017. Similar to Cameron's ''Titanic 3D'', Lightstorm Entertainment oversaw the work on the 3D version of ''Terminator 2'', which took around 1800 artists about eight months to finish. The restoration was released by Distrib Films US, a company which typically distributes foreign films. The studio released the film exclusively for one week in AMC Theatres nationwide, and said that it will expand depending on the film's performances in its first week.